Investment process
My process is:
1. Go to Pitch above and use the link to record a short video pitch using Willo. If you have a credible VC lead, go to Pitch with a lead and jump to step 3.
2. Hear back before I go to bed two business days later if I would like you to schedule a thirty-minute call using Calendly and share a pitch deck. Receive feedback if not.
3. Shortly before the call I will watch your video pitch again and make notes so it is fresh in my mind. I may look at your pitch deck before the call but, if I do, only briefly. I prefer to hear about the business in your words.
4. On the call I will start with a quick summary of my background and how I came to be here and interested in investing. Then I will ask you to spend more time sharing your background and how you come to be here, running your business and raising funds.
5. Then we have an organic conversation which will likely finish with me asking you about the investment round.
6. After that, you will have time to ask me questions.
7. After the call, I will get back to you before I go to bed two business days later with either a yes, a no with feedback, more questions, a request for another call or occasionally a request for more time. If the call was on a Wednesday the two business days may stretch into the weekend.
8. After that it is more organic though I aim to be as time efficient as possible so as not to waste anyone's time.
9. Most businesses get passed so please don't be offended. I will inevitably miss some incredible businesses though that is not my intention.
10. Even if I pass I still want you to win. You only win if you are providing something useful to the world that didn't previously exist. Make it happen.