Treat people right and sometimes positive karma will smack you in the face

Seven years ago I was due to fly to Singapore. I had a flight transfer from Lugano to Zurich then the long haul to Singapore.

The flight to Lugano was cancelled at the last minute due to weather. The flights from Zurich were once a day. I got straight in my car to drive to Zurich and called up the airline.

I didn't rant, I didn't rave, I made very clear I knew it wasn't the person on the phone's fault and asked as politely as I could if there was anything they could do for me.

They told me if I wasn't there at least two hours beforehand I couldn't get on the plane. There was zero chance for me to make it. They asked if I wanted to be moved onto the flight the following day and that they'd have to cancel today's ticket to do that. I said yes please.

I got to the airport half an hour before the original flight time when the airport was empty and went to the desk. They looked me up on the system and told me to take my large hold bag through to security and run as fast as I could!

I ran, they put my large bag through the security scanner and I was the last person on the flight. They took my large bag and put it in a cupboard somewhere.

To this day I have no idea how I got on the flight. My ticket was meant to be cancelled, they'd been very clear there was no way on the flight if I was there late and I've never seen a large suitcase go through the security scanner then allowed as hand luggage. I can only guess that the person I spoke to had kindly left a note on file about me and that everyone else he'd spoken to about it had screamed at him,

Treat people right and sometimes positive karma will smack you in the face.

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Evening update - 28 Apr 23


Morning update - 27 Apr 23