Metal is hot

"Metal is Hot"

Magrathea just got featured in The New Yorker (link).

- Dirt cheap renewable energy means Magrathea can produce carbon neutral magnesium at a price point where it competes with steel and aluminium.

- Magnesium is the world's third most common structural metal
- It significantly trails steel and aluminium because it’s more expensive to make
- A huge chunk of that cost is energy
- Magrathea has a unique production process which can be turned on and off as required
- In California, for large parts of the day energy is dirt cheap because of solar and wind
- Magrathea can produce cost effective carbon neutral magnesium when most the world's comes from China then Russia and burns huge amounts of coal
- Magnesium then competes with steel and aluminium as it becomes price competitive
- Demand for Magrathea's magnesium goes through the roof

Congrats to Alex Grant and Jacob Brown on the coverage.


Sell but don’t sell


Just start