Figuring it out

"How does your product differ from what you thought it would be on day one and how did you figure that out?"

This is the question Jan Deruyck of Guud answered so impressively.

Why this question?

A business is a product that solves a substantial problem that enough people will pay enough money for to cover your costs and make a profit.

It is rare to understand a problem you are trying to solve well enough on day one. It is as rare to know the best way to solve that problem on day one i.e. what your product should be.

It's not just getting to the right product it's how you figure it out.

Jan and Morgane figured it out in an exceptional way. This gives me confidence they will figure out the right way through the many future issues they and all startups inevitably face.

#founders #startups #venturecapital #buildinginpublic #investinginpublic


Evening update - 7 July 23


Evening update - 6 July 23