Evening update - 28 September 23


Shared how to handle setting the bar for when you should invest.
Took the kids to school.
Spoke with Richard Hadler of Odin.
Had an impromptu chat with Nick Davis of Alto.Ski about building in public.
Attended a prep meeting for next Tuesday's Relocate to Guernsey Show with Jo Stoddart, Brenda Ainsworth, Edward Bowen, Lynne Coleman, Lily Prus and Emma Shell.
Caught up with Rachael Crook of Lifted.
Spoke with Julia Staszczak of Market One Capital.
Tried and failed to have my Important Not Urgent Day.


Collect the kids from school.
Feed them.
Head to standup practice.

#founders #startups #venturecapital #buildinginpublic #investinginpublic


The best people have choices


Know your bar