Evening update - 27 Oct 22
Posted about info for founders new to venture capital.
Spoke with Victoria Ross (CCBI) and Mairi Henderson of Scottish Development International. Their role is to help Scottish startups find potential investors. They keep a list of your criteria so you only get sent what is relevant. If you are an investor and want to be less London-centric you should contact them.
Had a call with Philip Fortuna, founder coach extraordinaire. We are making plans. I am getting free coaching/counselling in the process!
Shared Jonathan Nwosu, Dakshesh Dharmadhikary and Min Sang Kim of ClimaView AI's video pitch
Attended a Black Founder Demo Day run by Barclays Eagle Labs. A pleasant surprise to hear Gary Izunwa present.
Signed docs on an investment.
Have to take son number two to football training.
#founders #startups #venturecapital #buildinginpublic #investinginpublic